Monday Musings for February 26, 2024

Hooooooly moly, it's the last Monday of February and how the fuck did we get here? March starts this week, but the weather up here already feels like April or May. We've had a hell of a weird winter - a couple of snowstorms, but nothing like it used to be. We had a flood the week before Christmas with warm temperatures and rain washing out all the snow in the mountains, and the snowpack never really recovered. No ice fishing this winter, either, because it hasn't been cold enough for long enough to really build up a decent layer of ice in most places. By the end of this week, temperatures are predicted to be in the high 50s and possibly the low 60s - which, in an ecosystem that relies on snow and long cold winters, is not a good thing. Last night, I was reading more in the new book, Walking Through Darkness, by Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts, two shamanic teachers that I greatly admire. Sandra wrote a chapter called "Earth" where she talks about what's hap...