A Beginner's Guide To Choosing Your First Ukulele

So, you're totally hooked on the idea of learning how to play the ukulele, but you don't know where to start. Here you are! Let's talk about a few things to keep in mind when you're choosing your first ukulele.

For starters, let your intuition guide at least some of your decision making process. As someone who is highly intuitive and teaches others to trust their intuition, I can assure you: you won't make the wrong decision when choosing your first ukulele. If you feel a strong pull towards a particular instrument, go for it - that instrument is there to teach you something, if you're open to learning.

That said, it's important to also keep in mind things like price, brand reputation, features like built-in electronics and tuners, and design. 

1. Brand reputation. Of all the things in the uke world that I've discovered, it's that some people are fiercely loyal to their favorite brand of ukulele. I started out buying all Kala ukuleles, but have branched out and have been adding ukes by other makers to my collection. That said, don't rule out a brand that doesn't necessarily have the name recognition of some of the other big brands - I've been pleasantly surprised by a few inexpensive ukes that were from some little-known companies.

2. Price. We all have a budget, right? Fortunately, you can get some great ukes for under a hundred bucks. Especially if this is your first ukulele, don't worry about spending a crap ton of money. Go for something under a hundred bucks - there are LOTS of great buys out there.

3. Features. So, ukes come with a LOT of different features. Think about what you'd want in a uke: do you want to be able to plug it in to an amp at some point? Would you prefer an acoustic uke? Maybe you want something with a built-in tuner? Or maybe you want something with built-in electronics like a preamp? Look at what the headstock looks like. Are the tuners open or covered? Is there a strap button or two? Again, trust your intuition and get clear about what your intentions are for this instrument - if it's something to just mess around with and get used to playing, don't worry too much about fancy features. But if you know in your heart of hearts that you're going to love spending time with your instrument, you might want to get a few bells and whistles included in your first purchase.

4. Design. This is where it gets fun - sure, there are some ukes that are beautiful with just a plain top, but there are so many beautifully creative ukes out there, too! Look at the shape - does a round or pineapple shaped body appeal to you? Do you like the look of a cutaway that gives you more range on the fingerboard? Don't worry about what other people are going to think about the ukulele you choose - think about how YOU are going to feel holding it and playing it. I mean, if it doesn't bring you  joy, what's the point, right?

One more tip for choosing your first ukulele: It's always better (or so I've heard) to see your instrument in person so you can try before you buy, but because the nearest music store is like a two hour drive from my home, I've been pretty lucky so far relying on YouTube videos and sheer dumb luck with my purchases. That said, if you have a music store within a reasonable distance to you, by all means take an afternoon and spend some time trying out the different ukuleles there. And when you realize that you've fallen in love with "the one", don't hesitate to bring it home!


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