Why the Ukulele Is Perfect For Beginners

Once upon a time, a long time ago in a galaxy far away, I was a music major with a concentration in music therapy. Because my main instrument was piano, part of the requirements for my major was two semesters of guitar class. Honestly, I was nervous as hell about the idea of taking guitar. It felt so HUGE, so overwhelming...and of course, with that mindset, I never did very well with that instrument. 

So I have no idea what moved me to purchase a ukulele for my 45th birthday, but I knew, as soon as I had that instrument in my hands, that I had come home. I took to it instantly, and spent that entire summer learning chords and brushing up on my music theory from college and seeking out new music. (It pretty much blew up my Spotify algorithm.) 

If you're a total beginner to music, here's why the ukulele is perfect for beginners like you:

1. Small size. It might sound crazy, but the uke is so easy to hold! Whether you're resting it on your lap or cradling it in your strumming arm, it's way easier to manage than a guitar, in my opinion. I didn't feel overwhelmed by the instrument the same way I felt when I tried my sister's first electric guitar when we were kids.

2. Super easy to get a sound out of. This is important - when my son was in 2nd grade, they got to spend some time experimenting with all the different instruments in the school band to see which ones they could get the best sound out of. My son chose, of all things, the trombone because it was the one he could get the best sound out of. (Go figure!) Likewise with the uke, it's pretty easy to get a good sound out of it, and that makes playing more FUN. (Because this is all about fun, right? Which brings me to my next point...)

3. The uke makes you smile. Like, seriously. Can you look at a pic of the ukulele and not smile? For me, it's impossible. No matter what's going on, when I look at one of my ukes, I feel a little inner smile starting. For me, the energy of the uke brings me joy in a way that the guitar never could. 

4. They're not expensive. (Or at least, they don't have to be.) A friend of mine had a good point when he said that New Ukulele Day didn't have to require a huge financial investment. For less than a hundred dollars, you can get some pretty good instruments to play with . (Is that why my uke collection keeps multiplying while I sleep?)

5. So. Many. Options. Sometimes having too many choices can seem overwhelming for sure, but when it comes to the uke, I say, the more, the merrier. With four different standard sizes, and things like cigar box ukuleles, resonator ukuleles, banjoleles, and baritone ukuleles, you will most definitely find something to light you up and make you come alive.

Got another reason why the ukulele is perfect for beginners? Share it with me here!


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