Monday's Musings for August 28, 2023

 I have no idea what I want to write about today, I just know that I want to write, so here we go.

We started this morning by wrangling our roo, Zelda, so we could give him his morning antibiotics and a foot bath. Zelda has had a bad case of what's called bumblefoot, basically an infection in his foot, and it took a while before we could catch him to treat it. We've been giving him antibiotics for almost 3 weeks now (had to learn how to give a rooster a pill, thanks, YouTube), and we've been soaking his affected foot for a couple of weeks. Still a long way to go, and he might never be able to walk "normally" again, but he seems to be improving based on the level of side-eye we got this morning and the fact that he's clucking furiously at the indignity of being hauled out of the coop twice a day to be pilled and soaked. 

I'll be attending the second part of the JHUI workshop on imposter syndrome this afternoon, and holy moly, I don't want to say too much just yet, but it's been very eye-opening. Apparently there are some majorly talented people out there who deal with imposter syndrome, so I guess it's good to know I'm not alone. 

And then tonight I also have songwriting class. Our assignment this week was to write a chord progression (and potentially a song) in a minor key, but day-um, I am having a hard time with this one. I finally stumbled across a fun blues progression in a minor key - Am-Dm-Em7 or Dm-Gm-Am7 - and I've got a melody but no words yet and no idea what I want it to be about. I've been playing with some lyrics with the idea of "Melancholy August" about the end of summer and the relentless march of time, so that might be a good place to start with a blues progression. 

I also sent out an inquiry today to a local music/recording studio looking for information about renting the studio to record a few of my original songs and maybe a few Sanskrit chants. Which means I gotta up my vocal exercises in the next few weeks and maybe set up a GoFundMe for the costs? We'll see what happens...

Other than that, it's just a lazy late August day today. The sky is beautiful and the clouds are floating over the mountains, and we've got the ceiling fans spinning and I'm going to duck out for a bit and play some ukulele in the gardens outside before it gets too hot. 


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