Happy September!

 September first! Always feels like it sneaks up on you. I'm still feeling the weirdness/intensity of this full blue supermoon from the other night, so mostly just trying to take it easy and not overthink too much. That said, I woke up with a fun headache this morning, another symptom of peri/menopause, and I'm going for a ride later on this afternoon to pick up a rehab turtle that needs to get to my friend Debbie down in Schroon Lake. 

So while I'm sitting here staring at my calendar and musing over what to do next week, I'm looking at my ukulele practice planner pages that I downloaded from Brittni Paiva's website a few months ago. My Virgo rising loves these because they give me a way to write down and organize and track my practice sessions, and she also has some great gratitide prompts to fill out every week. 

Today, I'm grateful for:

  • My snuggly little Tucker dog. 
  • The beautiful views from my dining room window and back porch.
  • That my rooster's foot seems to be improving after all the care we've given him these last three weeks
  • My ukulele collection (ha!)
  • S'mores around a bonfire last night with my kid

Going to take a few days off from blogging this weekend to sort of get myself together and prepare for recording a podcast episode with my friend Debbie (the one we're fetching the turtle for this afternoon), and to do some introspection about what direction I want to move in for the rest of this year and the beginning of next. My life has just been sort of slowly (not so slowly?) falling apart for the last four years, and I'm trying to figure out how or if it's going to come back together...

If you're reading this and you feel moved, share a few things that you're grateful for in the comments. I'd love to read them.


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