Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday Musings for September 20, 2023

 Well, things sort of got out of control this week. No nice and orderly blogging schedule! I can't remember what I was doing on Monday, but it wasn't this. And then yesterday, my son and I were both sick with some kind of upper respiratory thing so we just took the day to eat soup and chill. (He's feeling better and back at school, my voice is still a little hoarse and my throat feels kinda dry.)

BUT... Just figured I'd amuse you all with some musings. 

YES I am working on making a couple of short little videos of what I'm working on for What I'm Working On Wednesday, even though today is Wednesday. See, over the weekend, I gave in to temptation and started making loads of beautiful little pendants using UV resin and dried flowers. SO pretty! SO much fun! But it required me to spread out on the other half of the dining room/work table and the other half of the table is currently covered in dozens of little gemstone cabochons that I'm going to wire wrap into pendant and earring sets for the holidays. (I swear, I will.) 

Astrologically speaking, we just came out of Mercury retrograde a week ago (hallefreakinglujah), but we're still in that "shadow period" where things we went through and/or happened during Merc rx may be coming up again if we haven't resolved them (like a blogging schedule), so things are still feeling kinda wonky. 

That said, I also went ahead and re-activated my website, so I'm going to be working on getting that up and running, but I'm going to keep this blog here. Why, you ask? Because the website on Shopify costs me $39 a month and this platform is still (thankfully) free. I mean, maybe I could make this into some kind of website where I can sell products and book Tarot and uke appointments? But I don't know. And I know that I don't want to lose everything that I've written as a blog because I can't afford it. 

Ah, capitalism.

Are you feeling it like me right now? Are you really feeling the pushback against monetizing EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE? Do you feel like it costs $300 just to walk outside your door every day?

Me, too. 

There might be a song in that. 

That said, I'm also hosting a FREE online song share on October 2, 2023 at 8 p.m. EST and if you'd like to join a group of very supportive creative wonderful songwriters and musicians, PLEASE let me know and I'll send you the Zoom link so we can hang out and share. 

So anyway. That's about it for this Wednesday afternoon. It feels like a good afternoon to pop a quick chocolate cake in the oven and have that for dessert tonight. Maybe top it with some cream cheese frosting or some buttercream frosting or something easy like that. Might even be a good night to eat that cake outside around a bonfire with a uke. 


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