Monday Musings for September 11, 2023

 Welp. Here we are. Woke up with a major headache this morning, but it seems to be easing up a bit enough to let me get a blog written.

Last week did not go as planned. And I can laugh about that. I got some good bones written down for some new songs, so this week I will be working on those. Today I have lots and lots of writing to do and some recording to do and a couple of things to work on for a top-secret project that may or may not manifest itself early next year. 

For today, I have to go make some (very rough) recordings of some of the songs I've written and send them over to a local sound engineer. (Part of the top secret project that may or may not manifest itself.) I also have to send some emails and do some writing about ukuleles and do all that while I try to shake off this headache. 

I'll have to tell you the story behind the headache later on when I'm not feeling quite so shitty. 

I'm also at the point where I want to put my entire life and my entire house in a dumpster, just chuck it all out and start over from scratch. Might not be able to actually do that, but...maybe a huge destash of my beads and jewelry supplies is in order these next few weeks as we move towards the West direction on the medicine wheel. 

Also, if you're interested in hearing me rant a bit about Tarot (one of the things I'm most passionate about), you can check out my dear friend Debbie Philp's latest podcast here: My Shamanic Life

Whatcha got planned for this week?


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