Monday Musings for October 9, 2023

 Sooo here we are again, talking about this made-up holiday to honor a colonizer who was a cruel, inept, and probably more than a little bit evil. Whatev. It's about time we started celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day instead and try to acknowledge the complex societies that were here before that murdering crackpot got lost at sea and wound up here.

I could go on a rant about how the history of the indigenous people was lost and how the colonizers did everything they could to destroy them and their culture, and thank Goddess they didn't succeed entirely. But they did inflict so much trauma and violence on these people, I can't even begin to imagine. And I can't go on a rant today about that because my brain is just not functioning well enough to find the sources I need to back up my rant, so that'll have to wait for another day. 

Instead, let's celebrate the indigenous cultures throughout North America, including the culture of the Hawaiian islands prior to the English colonizers invading them, and let's just acknowledge that violence that was done in the name of money and capitalism and try to move forward with peace and humility, eh?


Yesterday was a weird day. My husband woke up and didn't feel great, and my anxiety was off the hook bad. So we made an attempt to go grocery shopping because we're running out of food (yikes) and forgot a couple of important items, so we'll have to pick those up at some point during the week.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone else notices the weird energy in the air. For me, it's so real, I don't know how someone CAN'T notice it. Maybe that's been my problem all along, for my whole life. That I can walk into a room and instantly feel the energy there. And people who can't like to tell me that it isn't real, and try to tell me that I'm crazy. 

It was like in the days just before New York shut down. I remember standing in line at the convenience store to get a gallon of milk, and I was coughing my head off because I was just getting over a really bad virus that left me in bed with a fever for days, and every time I coughed, you could feel the tension in the entire store. Even outside, you could sense something was coming on the horizon. And it wasn't just me that felt it, it was everyone I talked to who noticed it, too. 


At any rate.... I have things I need to do this week. I started a new round of lessons with Andrew Molina this weekend, so I have some music theory to dive into when I get the chance, a few days of mindful ukulele learning that I signed up for, aaaaaaaaaaaaand I gotta wrap about 30 stones and make a dozen necklaces and earrings. 

I'm also still trying to write down and organize my thoughts about a Tarot course I want to teach about using the Major Arcana to do some soul healing. 

And I'm trying to remember what I used to like to do when I was 11. Does anyone remember what they used to like to do when they were 11? From what I can recall, I started in Catholic school when I was 11, and I don't remember much about the things I used to like to do. I didn't have a lot of friends at the time, so I spent a lot of time listening to music or riding my bike. (Can't ride a bike right now because my body won't tolerate it.) But maybe I can find some swings or something and maybe I can start cutting out paper doll clothes again just for the heck of it...

Lots to do today. We're having dinner with my father in law and so I'm making a huge pot of potato broccoli soup and then tomorrow we'll be at the dentist in Vermont for a while. I haven't done any vocal Sargam practice in a few days, so I'm looking forward to getting back to that on Wednesday morning before my chiropractor appointment. 

For someone who doesn't work full time, I'm pretty busy?


If you're reading this, hope you're having a great week, and I'm going to try to get my isht together and get my mind settled a bit more. 


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