New Year, New Uke!

 I mean, I wish I had a new uke, but...that'll have to wait for my 50th birthday in May, I guess. 

Meanwhile, to fill the void until my next New Instrument Day, I'm sitting down with some new year astrological and personal stuff. I was watching the Energy Of the Day yesterday that my dear friend, the Rev. Debbie Philp, does in her private FB group for those of us on the shamanic Reiki path, and she talked a lot about how even though January 1 is just a page on a calender that was created by humans and not really rooted in any kind of natural cycle, it's celebrated by literally all humans on the planet, and that gives it some big energy. 

So. With that in mind, I read Tarot for another dear friend the other day, and the energy exchange I received from her was just enough to buy a new 2024 planner along with a lovely reusable suede cover. The tracking number says it's down in NJ this morning with a projected delivery date of next Monday, but I'm hoping that it doesn't take a whole 5 days to get here from a place that's literally a six hour drive away. 

All the astrology otherwise surrounding this first month of 2024 says to get your shit together, in a manner of speaking. Despite the sense of impending doom I get from seeing the news (which is why I try to limit my exposure to the news, just enough to stay informed without driving myself further into depressio and anxiety), I've got a few plans for 2024. Courses I want to write and launch. Ukuleles to acquire and play. Songs to write and learn and sing. 

Until I get my shiny new planner with all that potential for stuff to do this year, here's a brief list of some ukulele goals and intentions I have for the coming year:

  • Master moveable ukulele chord shapes up the neck of the ukulele
  • Write a course on music theory and moving the chord shapes up the neck along with practice songs
  • Go back and finish the mantra songs I started LAST FUCKING YEAR
  • Record the mantra songs I started LAST FUCKING YEAR
  • Start ukulele club at my son's school as part of the after-school program
  • Reach out to a couple of local libraries about starting ukulele clubs/group lessons
  • Continue to work on learning and memorizing the entire 50 Miniature Studies for Ukulele by Choan Galvez
  • Continue to work on learning and memorizing the first Fingerstyle Fursday by 4stringboy
And I think I'm gonna put a stop to it right there. Because that's enough to keep me busy for now. 

So anyway. I hope everyone reading this had a very happy very healthy holiday, and I'll be back next week with some blogs on getting started with moveable chord shapes up the neck of the ukulele. 


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