Monday Musings for March 25, 2024

Here we go again...Happy Monday! Remember, you don't hate Mondays, you hate capitalism. 

It's amazing, when I give myself things to do, I procrastinate by taking Tucker for a walk and doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen and bringing in an armload of firewood for the wood stove... 

At any rate. We had a nice weekend. There was a major snowstorm on Friday night and all day Saturday, and it was the only and biggest real snow accumulation we had all winter. Where I live, we got well over a foot of snow, but in some places in Vermont they got almost three feet from the same storm system, and friends to the south in Albany and to the north in Maine got ice and wind and downed trees and no power. Just goes to show how capitalist-driven climate change is making these storms harder to predict and more unstable. 

Despite the storm, we made it out to see Spamalot at my son's school on Saturday night, and it was the first time I've been out to see a real "show" (other than a movie or two) since 2019. 

I was disappointed that the storm resulted in the postponement of the guitar lessons my friend and I are taking at one of the local libraries, but next week we'll make it. Until then, I'm just doing some little guitar thingies on my own, trying to get used to the feel of holding the absolutely ginormous instrument, compared to my ukuleles. 

On my list for this week are some things... Sending out more job applications and portfolios. A 5-in-5 songwriting challenge (5 songs in 5 days). Lots of ukulele practice. A little guitar practice. Brainstorming songs to perform in May. Ear training practice. And of course, baking omre peanut butter treats for Tucker because he's going to run out soon and we can't have THAT. 

I have a writing class on Tuesday morning, and then a private uke lesson on Friday. Little things like that to keep me occupied while I try to figure out what I'm doing with the rest of my life. I suppose I should take out the planner I bought back in January with all these grand dreams and ideas and revisit what I thought I was going to do on January 2 and see if I can get more in alignment with what's calling to me...

At any rate. 

Have a good weeek, y'all, and if I can brainstorm some more ukulele content, I'll post it here. 


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