Monday Musings for September 25, 2023

Welp. The last couple of weeks haven't exactly gone the way I thought they would. But whatever. I just seem to find myself getting sucked into this strange ennui. Thank goodness for my little fox dog to keep me rooted in the world when I need him. That said, I discovered something amazing in the last couple of weeks, and maybe that's why I've been feeling like I'm sort of floating through life again? Many moons ago, I was a yoga teacher, and I completed both a 200 hour and 300 hour advanced teacher training program. (Not to mention a bunch of additional certifications in kid's yoga and yin yoga and Ayurveda and some other stuff.) Anyway, my favorite part of every program that I did was the kirtan. Kirtan is a form of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion. (One of the 8 limbs of yoga, which I won't get into here, but there's a great wealth of knowledge on the interwebs about that.) Anyhoo, like I said, kirtan. Was always my favorite because it usually involved...